原文:Samoans searched flattened homes and debris-filled swamps Thursday, while dazed survivors told of being trapped underwater or flung inland by a tsunami that ravaged towns and killed at least 150 people in the South Pacific.
例句:The Coast Guard reported sighting of debris near where the airliner was believed to have gone down.(海岸防衛隊回報發現碎片,地點在據信客機墜落位置附近。)
例句:Hotel owner Jobi Watts says he is dazed by the devastation and is waiting on advice before deciding whether to rebuild.(旅館老闆瓦茲說,這次破壞讓他呆了,要先等待建議,才會決定是否重建。)
丟 擲;
原形是fling, 過去式跟過去分詞都是flung。例句:To their great excitement, Joe flung his three little children into the swimming pool one after another.(喬把他的三個小小孩一一丟進游泳池,他們樂壞了。)
Tsunami(海嘯)源自日文,在英文日常用語中,tsunami跟tidal wave經常混用,但科學家用tidal wave來指「滿潮」,它的威力遠遠不如由海底地震或火山爆發所引起的海嘯。